Gender-Specific Rehabilitation Programs

Compassionate and Inclusive Approach To Treatment

When committing to substance abuse treatment, having a support system of peers with shared experiences can create a sense of belonging and community. Although we are all human beings, men and women often connect in different ways and require a unique approach to treatment.

At Epiphany Wellness, we offer judgment-free and gender-specific treatment to create an environment that is most conducive to healing for your identified gender. You are welcome here. You are seen here. You will find hope and healing here. Welcome to your Epiphany.

What are Gender-Specific Treatment Programs?

Gender-specific rehab programs are mental health or addiction treatment programs that are designed to address the unique needs and challenges of men and women, respectively.

A treatment facility that offers separate men’s and women’s treatment options recognizes that genders have different biological, psychological, and sociological factors that contribute to addiction and can influence recovery and that these differences require customized approaches to treatment.

In gender-specific treatment programs, all clinicians and patients are of the same gender. This creates a safe, supportive environment where each individual can discuss sensitive issues and get the treatment that addresses their unique needs. However, no matter which gender, addiction recovery programs may offer similar services, such as group therapy, individual therapy sessions, and holistic addiction treatment services.

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Gender Specific Treatment Information

What are the Benefits of Gender-Specific Treatment for Drug Abuse and Alcohol Addiction?

Our Therapies

Research has shown that gender-specific drug and alcohol treatment can be more effective than traditional co-ed treatment approaches[1].

Benefits of a Gender-Specific Treatment Center for Women
Women often face unique challenges in addiction and recovery, such as trauma, domestic violence, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to sexual abuse. Women’s-only treatment programs can address these issues in a safe and supportive environment.

Benefits of a Gender-Specific Treatment Center for Men
For men, gender-specific treatment can provide a safe and supportive environment where they can discuss issues related to masculinity and vulnerability as it relates to addiction without fear of judgment.

Men’s-specific alcohol and drug rehab can also address issues such as anger management, relationship problems, and job loss that may be more common among men struggling with addiction or mental health issues.

Gender-specific treatment can help individuals feel more comfortable and supported during the recovery process, leading to a better chance of relapse prevention.

Our Therapies

What Does Gender-Specific Treatment Look Like at Epiphany Wellness?

Our Treament Programs

Treatment programs with gender-informed emphasis can help address the unique adversities faced by the respective sexes, as well as underlying specific issues related to gender and addiction that may be overlooked when in a co-ed setting.

Partial Hospitalization Program
Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is recommended for men and women who have completed detox and require more intensive treatment than traditional outpatient programs but do not need round-the-clock interventions.

At Epiphany Wellness, our gender-specific PHP includes individual and group therapy, along with whole-person centered healing modalities, several days a week, several hours per day. PHP is our highest outpatient level of care that provides a structured, supportive recovery environment while allowing participants to return home to sober living between treatment sessions.

Intensive Outpatient Program
Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a step down from PHP and a step up from traditional outpatient care. This level of care provides the same healing recovery environment, but treatment is completed in fewer hours, giving patients more independence.
Our gender-specific IOP is best for patients who feel secure in their recovery as they begin to transition into their newly-sober daily lives.

Outpatient Program
At Epiphany Wellness, our Outpatient Program (OP) is the lowest level of care and is completed in the fewest amount of hours as compared to both PHP and IOP.
This level of care is best for men and women who have made significant progress in their recovery and are at a lower risk for relapse but still need the support of a structured environment.

Aftercare Programs
Our aftercare program is one of the most important stages of the treatment process. An aftercare plan is for those who have successfully completed all higher levels of care but wish to continue receiving the ongoing support of a recovery community.

At Epiphany Wellness, we’re committed to helping you heal at every stage of your treatment plan, from detox to the final transition into daily life. Our aftercare program ensures that this transition is done smoothly and that you have all of the coping skills you need for lifelong relapse prevention.

Our Treament Programs

Do Men and Women Experience Addiction Differently?

Men and women may experience addiction differently due to biological, psychological, and social factors, including:

  • Physical Effects

    Due to differences in body composition and metabolism, addiction can affect men and women in distinct ways. For instance, alcohol use can lead to more severe liver damage in women than men because of differences in the way their bodies process alcohol.

  • Psychological Effects

    Addiction can trigger the onset of anxiety and depression in men and women. Studies show, however, that women may be more prone to Substance Use Disorders (SUD) as a result of past trauma.[1]

  • Societal Factors

    Men and women face different societal factors that can contribute to the development of addiction. Women may experience stigmatization for their addiction, whereas men may feel pressure to conform to traditional masculine norms that encourage substance abuse. These two societal pressures, while opposite in nature, both result in shame surrounding substance use.

  • Treatment Barriers

    Women are grossly misrepresented in addiction treatment. Studies show that women face particular challenges in gaining access to addiction treatment due to additional responsibilities such as childcare or financial constraints.[2]

  • Risks for Relapse

    Men and women may have differing relapse triggers, with men being more susceptible to relapse due to stress or boredom, while women may be more susceptible due to relationship issues or trauma.

    Recognizing the differences between men and women when it comes to addiction treatment can guide providers in creating customized gender-specific treatment programs that cater to the distinct needs of men and women in recovery.

Discover Drug Addiction Treatment Programs For Men & Women at Epiphany Wellness - NJ & TN

Drug Addiction Treatment Programs For Men & Women at Epiphany Wellness

If you or a loved one are facing drug addiction or dual diagnosis, know that help is available and treatment works.
At Epiphany Wellness, we believe that healing the body, mind, and spirit is all integral to lifelong recovery. Call and speak to a member of our admissions department today to discover how holistic gender-specific addiction treatment can help get your life back on the right track.

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Frequently Asked Questions About EMDR Therapy for Addiction 

What are common challenges faced specifically by women in addiction and recovery?

Women often face unique challenges in addiction and recovery, such as trauma, domestic violence, and parenting responsibilities. This is not to say that men do not face these challenges as well; however, women are more prone to this type of adversity.

Women-specific treatment programs can address these issues in a safe and supportive environment and create treatment plans with gender differences in mind.

What are the unique challenges faced by men in addiction and recovery?

Men may face challenges related to addiction that may be difficult to discuss in a setting with members of the opposite sex. Men’s-specific recovery can provide a safe and supportive environment where men can discuss issues related to masculinity and vulnerability without fear of judgment.

What types of therapies are used in gender-specific treatment programs at Epiphany Wellness?

At Epiphany Wellness, our gender-specific treatment programs use evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), motivational interviewing (MI), trauma-focused therapies, and holistic therapies such as Reiki, crystal healing therapy, and spirituality-based therapies.

How long does a gender-specific treatment program last at Epiphany Wellness?

The length of gender-specific treatment can vary depending on the individual and their specific needs. Treatment may last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. The duration of recovery depends on the severity of the addiction, the type of substance used, and the overall well-being of the individual.

Is gender-specific treatment covered by my insurance?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) has been shown to be an effective treatment for trauma and related symptoms. It has been recognized as an evidence-based treatment by several organizations, including the American Psychiatric Association, the World Health Organization, and event the US Department of Defense.[1]

We work with most major insurance carriers. Many gender-specific treatment programs are covered by insurance, although the extent of coverage may vary depending on the individual’s insurance plan. During the initial consultation, our admissions counselors confirm coverage with the insurance provider.

How do I find a gender-specific treatment program near me?

It is important to work with a qualified addiction treatment provider who can assess your individual needs and help you find the right treatment program for you. To get started with men’s-only or women’s-only treatment, you can get a referral from your primary care provider or call and speak with a member of the Epiphany Wellness team today.

Are there any potential drawbacks to gender-specific treatment programs?

Some individuals may prefer mixed-gender treatment programs or may not feel comfortable in a gender-specific treatment program. It is important to find a treatment program that feels comfortable and supportive for you.

How can I decide if gender-specific treatment is right for me?

Many patients thrive in a gender-specific environment, whereas some recover better in a mixed-gender environment. One is not necessarily better than the other.


[1] Khoury, L., Tang, Y. L., Bradley, B., Cubells, J. F., & Ressler, K. J. (2010, December). Substance use, childhood traumatic experience, and posttraumatic stress disorder in an urban civilian population. Depression and anxiety. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from  

[2]Rizzo, D., Mu, T., Cotroneo, S., & Arunogiri, S. (2022, February 17). Barriers to accessing addiction treatment for women at risk of homelessness. Frontiers in global women’s health. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from   

[3] Green, C. A. (2006). Gender and use of Substance Abuse Treatment Services. Alcohol research & health : the journal of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Retrieved February 24, 2023, from

Individualized and Gender-Specific Treatment At Epiphany Wellness

If you are considering gender-specific treatment, call and speak with a member of our team. Our admissions counselors will assess your individual needs and help you decide which gender-specific treatment program is right for you.